Hi, this is Ken, a C/C++/Python software engineer who loves Emacs/Clojure and is also interested in front-end development.
Besides, I am also making videos on my YouTube channel. Subscribe and stay tuned!
Open source projects that I haved contributed:
- Clay and Noj
- 🍪Qtile, A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written and configured in Python
- Doxygen, the de facto standard tool for generating documentation from annotated C++ sources
Some interesting projects that I created:
text toolkit, an text toolkit website includes:
- Generate compile_commands.json, which is required by LSP, for C/C++ projects using GNU Make
- Extract text, like IP, email, etc. using Python regex
- ppcompile (ping pong compile), a package helps you compile the project on another machine but write C/C++ code locally in Emacs.
- babashka-tools, a CLI collection (for example, a password generator) in Babashka
- extensible-tools, not only manage your dotfiles, but also in an extensible way!