Doing Unit test in Clojure Is Easy

Published: 2024-11-28, Last Updated: 2025-02-26

While refactoring the live reload feature of Clay, I realized I'd better break long functions into smaller and functional ones (as many as I can), which is also a common practice in the clojure community.

Small pure functions not only are easy to verify on the development process (using a REPL), but also are easy to test. And unit tests are easy to write in clojure, just use deftest from clojure.test, a very basic one looks like this:

  (is (= 3 (my-sum 1 2))))

To run the test, we can just run it with cider. After reloading the code (C-c C-k cider-load-buffer), we can use the command cider-test-run-test (C-c C-t t) to run the test at point. It's really handy!

Run the test at point using cider
Run the test at point using cider

And we would also like to use some test runners in the CI/CD pipeline, here there are some dedicated solutions:

Clay uses the later one, you can check it out at build.clj if you're interested.

See also

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