Understanding align-regexp of Emacs

Emacs' M-x align-regex is neat when I want to align some similar text, especially when we're coding. I use its trivial version(without prefix arg) regularly on day-to-day programming work before. For example, I can use it to align below code quickly by: Choose the region M-x align-regexp and type = and Enter aaaaaaaaaaaaaa = fields[0] bbb = fields[1] cccccccc = fields[2] It will be aligned to below code, now it's better to read: [Read More]

Fine-tune Curly Braces Style of Yasnippet Snippet on the Fly

Yasnippet is a good friend to help us type less and write more, whenever we write some text snippets repeatedly. And there is also an official repository called yasnippet-snippets that contains various snippets for many programming languages (modes), so that we can have many snippets in no time by installing it. But there is a little problem when it comes to conforming to different coding styles. Take the if snippet for example, normally it will generate code like this: [Read More]