Eglot for Better Programming Experience in Emacs

LSP, or Language Server Protocol, makes programming easier by introducing features like more precise auto-completion and definition lookup. It may have scratched your itches, and you may wonder what the experience is like in Emacs. Photo by Oskar Yildiz on Unsplash Emacs has mainly two LSP clients out there, eglot and lsp-mode. Eglot is lightweight, and it could almost run out of the box. So in this post I will briefly show you how to use eglot. [Read More]

Writing a Python Script in Emacs in 45 Minutes!

Note: watch my live coding session of this article: Intro If you've heard some rumors of Emacs that it has a very steep learning curve (or that Emacs makes a computer slow), you may be too scared to look at it. It indeed has some learning curve (learning anything does have one), but it isn't very steep. I learned this after getting my hands dirty with Emacs a few years ago. [Read More]

How To Revert a Series of Git Commits?

Sometimes, I need to revert a series of commits that I've already pushed, doing a git hard reset (git reset --hard) is not an option, as someone may already have new commits based on mine. For example, assume that I've made a few commits like below: 65a2c62 * commit 10 25cad43 * commit 9 72ad583 * commit 8 ceebf9a * commit 7 acf8a11 * commit 6 28d526f * commit 5 63af1e2 * commit 4 982c71c * commit 3 0fb4c2d * commit 2 acf9da1 * commit 1 b5f9933 * commit 0 For whatever reason, I need to "drop" the changes made by commit 6 to commit 10, that is, go back to "commit 5" without deleting these commits. [Read More]