Emacs Debugging Basics

If you are new to Emacs, you may run into some errors, especially after you absorb elisp snippets from the Internet or elsewhere. Don't panic. It happens. To ease your pain, in this post I will introduce some Emacs built-in features to help you solve the problems yourself. Start Emacs Without Any Configurations When you have some problems/errors with built-in features, the first thing you should do is to run emacs -Q to start another Emacs instance without any configurations from your emacs. [Read More]

A Trick to Troubleshoot Emacs Subprocess Creating

There are many packages of Emacs that leverage subprocesses to do their jobs, Magit, eglot, elpy, to name a few. And there are times that a subprocess doesn't work as expected, for example, Magit is slow, and you're sure that it's ok when running git commands on shell. So how to spot these problems effectively and quickly? The problem is that we don't know what's going on exactly, so here I want to share a few Elisp advices to make the subprocess creating visible, and print the exact program and its arguments to the *Message* buffer. [Read More]